Neil Trivedi Inspires Students at High School Speaker Event
Jason Lee

Last Friday, 10/28, Unity for Equality Chairman & Founder Neil Trivedi took part in Clara Barton High School’s Library Speaker Series. The event was hosted by the school with the purpose of bringing in professionals from different industries to talk about their careers. Invited by the school’s principal and assistant principal of the Social Studies and English department, Neil Trivedi was honored to attend the event and talk with the young high schoolers about his experience running Unity for Equality. 


Spanning from periods 4 – 8, each session had Neil Trivedi speaking to a library packed full of excited students. The students all had varied interests and career goals for their future, and many attended the high school to pursue careers as nurses, medical assistants, and lab techs. Regardless of the diverse interests the student had, all had come eager to listen and learn from Trivedi’s personal experiences as a leader. They also came to gain insight into the specifics of Unity for Equality, taking note of what the organization is and who it serves, as well as what kind of events take place. Recounting lessons he had learned and giving advice on what the career path may look like, Trivedi’s words had a significant impact on all who came to listen. 


For a majority of the day, Trivedi spoke about his experiences in the nonprofit sector and how he manages the organization to crowds of students. With Clara Barton HS being catered towards students aiming to be health professionals, Trivedi touched upon how Unity for Equality holds health advocacy as one of its missions as well. Furthermore, students learned how the organization is set up with the intent to serve the community, especially the seniors, immigrants, and underserved groups within it that may need assistance the most. In doing so, Trivedi took it upon himself to inform the younger generation on what can be done to promote the health and safety of the surrounding community. 


As Trivedi spread awareness of the organization’s values and goals, he offered inspiration to the students at Clara Barton High School to draw upon in their future endeavors. Needless to say, everyone, including Neil Trivedi himself, left the event motivated to pursue a brighter future for all.