
We envision a life free from

Inequality and discrimination

for everyone


Change the world with Unity for Equality

We focus on issues we think are the biggest barriers that prevent people from making the most of their lives. For each issue we work on, we fund innovative ideas that could help remove barriers.

Your life matters the most to us.

As healthcare has been an issue for all when it comes to individuals, we know healthcare is a basic human right. In our organizations work we invest in assisting individuals in navigating the healthcare system to apply for affordable health insurance and advocating for the rights of those who are being denied basic healthcare access.

“Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in healthcare is the most shocking and inhumane.”

– Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Civil Rights Activist

We all deserve to be treated right.

Our Gender Equality Division works to achieve gender equality by integrating gender across the organization’s work and investing in women’s economic empowerment, women’s leadership, and removing the barriers for women and girls to thrive.

“Gender equality is more than a goal in itself. It is a precondition for meeting the challenge of reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and building good governance.”

– Kofi Annan, Former Secretary-General of the United Nations

Every child should reach their highest potential.

When it comes to education there are many financial barriers which one major barrier in student debt. Our organization invests in aiding students not only the opportunity to obtain a scholarship but investing in aiding students to pay off their student loan debt. We also include in assisting in preparing students for college by providing test prep courses including assisting college students in their college applications.

When it comes to public schools and college we aid students to find the school of their dreams. There are also a percentage of students who encounter language barriers that is where we aid them with language courses so that they can obtain an education without barriers.

“Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

– Aristotle , Greek Philosopher

Together, we will adapt to the new normal.

With the given global COVID-19 pandemic which is straining healthcare systems and resources for those in need. Through affiliated centers, hospitals, and volunteers, Unity For Equality is playing an active role in relief efforts. The need for help is more then ever. Unity For Equality’s current focus area of assistance are medicine for those suffering from COVID-19, food for patients in need or in isolated areas, treatment expenses for uninsured patients especially in rural areas, and extra equipment along with support staff in affiliated hospitals.

“We are in this together and we will get through this, together.”

– Antonio Guterres, United Nations Secretary-General

Everyone should have a place in the digital world.

As technology advances in the current age there are many left behind in this technological era where we seek to make investments in aiding those behind providing courses in web development, graphic designing, and basic computer programs like Microsoft Office suite. We hope to bring individuals caught up to the technological era.


“Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important.”

– Bill Gates, Found of Microsoft

We lend communities our voice, and motivate them to have their own.

As an organization Unity For Equality focuses on civic knowledge and engagement which are of critical importance to communities. We actively engage to motivate the communities in civic activities through census awareness, promote civic awareness, door knocking, phone banking, and registering eligible voters. We ensure that the communities issues are addressed by local elected officials by hosting town halls and forums.


“Civic engagement means working to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference. It means promoting the quality of life in a community, through both political and non-political process.”

– Thomas Ehrlich, 15th President of Indiana University

It is our social mission to protect and care for the elderly.

Unity For Equality’s senior program improves the quality of life for seniors by providing them with case management services, which include connections to a range of benefits and individual and group counseling. We assist seniors in understanding and applying for benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, Medicare Savings Program, SNAP, SSI, Access-A-Ride, SCRIE, DRIE, and Senior Metro Card. Through our senior support groups, seniors have the opportunity to discuss issues of concern and connect with other seniors who might be coping with similar issues.


“A population that does not take care of the elderly and of children and the young has no future, because it abuses both its memory and its promise.”

– Pope Francis

At Unity for Equality, we build a better future.

Our investments lie at the intersection of where the world’s greatest needs meet the greatest opportunities – not only in terms of capital but also innovation. While the areas we invest in span a range depending on the geography, as of 2016, we are prioritizing investment in five sectors: education, financial inclusion, health, housing, and water & sanitation.


“We can change the world and make it a better place. It is in our hands to make a difference.”

– Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa


We are driven by progressive ideas, bold actions, and a strong foundation of support to spread notions of equality through all its endeavors. We emerged to inspire, support the community and fight the injustices in our society.

Project Sarika aims to empower and uplift disadvantaged girls by providing them the essentials of life. Countless girls across the globe are denied their right to education in light of poverty. As a step towards bringing about a positive change, we will be working with our team around the world. Where investments go towards providing school supplies to underprivileged girls, school uniforms will be provided and aiding these underprivileged girls with their tuitions. These supplies will encourage the girls to attend school and escape a cycle of generational poverty, ensuring a better lifestyle for them.

“We can choose to be affected by the world or we can choose to affect the world.”

-Neil Trivedi, Unity For Equality Chairman

Be One Of Us

Unity For Equality was founded in 2016 in response to critical issues raised around the tremendous barriers to social services, social justice, and economic life faced by New York City’s fast growing diverse communities.